PENGARUH BRAND AWARENESS, BRAND ASSOCIATION, PERCEIVED QUALITY DAN BRAND LOYALTY TERHADAP BRAND EQUITY (Survei Pada Konsumen Usia Remaja Di Kelurahan Purwantoro Kecamatan Blimbing Malang Yang Menggunakan Kartu Prabayar IM3 PT.Indosat)


  • . Muhammad


The competitive condition that happened at provider brand mobile phone operators are increasingly stringent, encouraging consumers to buy the brand that is able to provide more value than other brands. The power of a brand within a market affected by brand equity. Brand equity is considered as reflecting the added value of a brand. Establishment of brand equity is influenced by its constituent dimensions, such as brand awareness, brand associations, perceived quality, and brand loyalty. Consumers will able to remember a brand, if the brand is able to deliver more then value to him, so the perception of the quality of a given brand formed progressively stronger with increasing consumer experience, as well as the satisfaction that is felt towards the brand that eventually makes consumers loyal to the brand. This is consistent with the goal of this research is to identify and explain the influence jointly and severally from Brand Awareness variable, Brand Association, Perceived Quality and Brand Loyalty to Brand Equity. The results showed that the independent variables include Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Perceived Quality, Brand Loyalty jointly or individually have a significant impact on Brand Equity.

Keywords: Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Perceived Quality, Brand Loyalty and Brand Equity


Kondisi persaingan merek provider operator telepon seluler yang semakin ketat, mendorong konsumen untuk melakukan pembelian terhadap merek yang mampu memberikan nilai lebih disbanding merek lainnya. Kekuatan suatu merek di pasar dipengaruhi oleh ekuitas merek yang terdapat pada merek tersebut. Ekuitas merek dianggap sebagai cerminan atas nilai tambah yang dimiliki suatu merek. Pembentukan ekuitas merek dipengaruhi oleh dimensi-dimensi pembentuknya, seperti kesadaran merek, asosiasi merek, persepsi kualitas, dan loyalitas merek.  Konsumen akan mampu mengingat suatu merek, jika merek tersebut mampu memberikan nilai lebih kepadanya, sehingga persepsi akan kualitas yang diberikan merek tersebut semakin lama semakin kuat terbentuk seiring dengan bertambahnya pengalaman konsumen, serta kepuasaan yang dirasakan terhadap merek tersebut yang akhirnya membuat konsumen tersebut loyal pada merek tersebut. Hal tersebut sejalan dengan tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan pengaruh secara bersama-sama dan sendiri-sendiri dari variable Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Perceived Quality dan Brand Loyalty terhadap Brand Equity. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variable-variabel bebas meliputi Brand Awareness, Brand Association, Perceived Quality, Brand loyalty secara bersama-sama atau sendiri-sendiri mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadad Brand Equity.

Kata Kunci : Brand Awareness, Brand Assciation , Perceived Quality  Brand Loyalty dan Brand Equity





